Sunday, March 21, 2010

Who told you-you were naked?


Sounds like that could be the opening line to a Comics routine, but no it came straight out of  God’s mouth. When I read those words from Genesis 3:11 so many thoughts pop into my head. One of the first being, “Is God cool?” I mean in the sense that he let Adam and Eve run around all day long on with no clothes on and the awesome thing about it was that they were’nt even aware of it and just went about their daily business. There was no shame in their game. God said it was “good” when he made man. Another thing that I think is that the human body is beautiful and this should help to contribute a healthy sense of self esteem to all of us. If God thinks his creation looks good then we should love how we look and appreciate the unique and wonderful qualities that He has given to us individually. The third thing that pops into my head was that after Adam and Eve sinned-they were the ones covering up.They were the first to put some clothes on. Sin brought shame. How many of us (me included) did something or participated in something that we didn’t feel quite right about and that old feeling of shame came upon you? I know it has happened to me before. And notice how Adam and Eve took a sewing class somewhere and got to sewing some fig leaves together (what needle and thread did they use?) because in order to walk before a perfect God with no sin we can be naked/transparent but as soon as sin is in the mix we must be covered. But their covering was insufficient because it was just a leaves. God covered them with the skin of animals.

So what’s the big idea/point? Their covering is a type or an analogy of how God views sin. Sin is bad and God required the blood of an innocent animal to cover the sin. But animals although they provided a way for sin to be covered in the Old Testament were never the perfect substitute. That is why Jesus Christ, who was without sin, spot or wrinkle shed his innocent blood for all mankind. Just so that when we receive him as our Savior God see’s us through Jesus’ perfection. Once we accept Jesus Christ into our heart as our Lord and Savior,  his blood covers our sins (when we confess them) and just one drop of His blook is  good enough to cover the whole sins of the world.

You see sin was introduced through Adam and Eve and continues on today because of them but-God made a way that we could still enjoy that perfect union through his son Jesus Christ when we receive and accept His sacrifice.

So the next time you are getting dressed in the morning, remember it was God who first said, “Who told you-you were naked”

Pastor Michel

P.S. If you would like to receive the perfect sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ-Then pray this prayer:                                   

Dear Jesus Christ, please come into my heart. I ask you to be the Lord and Savior of my life. I believe that you died on the cross and rose again on the third day. I accept your sacrifice for me on Calvary. Please save me and show me how to live a life loving you.  In Jesus name. Amen.

If you prayed that prayer-please tell someone. You can let us know here. Find a bible and read it everyday and find other believers you can hang out with!  God Bless you for doing it!!


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