Edward wishes you a merry Christmas
Yep, I said this post is about nonsense. Cause I guess it might be considered nonsense to spend your time photoshopping Santa hats on basically every Twilight character… Whatevs, I don’t care, cause it was fun! But honestly, have you ever asked yourself how the wolfpack celebrates? Or the Cullens? Yeah, I know it is Christmas in Breaking Dawn, but they wait for the Volturi to arrive so that hardly counts as a typical Cullen Christmas… Well, Zelda and I had a little ICQ conversation yesterday evening about all our favorite / not so favorite Twi-characters. Basically because I wanted to post the pictures so bad but didn’t really know what to write about. But just like everything we do together it ended up being hilarious. And of course, because we’re awesome like that, we’re gonna share everything with you!

The wolfpack wishes you a merry Christmas
The wolfpack: All the wolf-guys (I’m not writing their names here, cause I always forget one and then can’t remember who it is and then get annoyed… sorry) and Billy and Sue Clearwater with our Ladies-man Charlie all celebrate at Emily’s. And because Emily is simply amazing she does it Mama Soul style, starts two days early and in the end manages to somehow get at least two tons of super delicious food onto the dinner table without breaking it. And you know she’ll need it cause Sam, Jacob, Paul and the rest love to eat her food! They’ll make wolf-jokes the whole evening long and that’s where Charlie starts to feel the slightest bit uncomfortable. And because he remembers that one time Jacob got naked in front of him and then phased very clearly, he bought new underwear for all of them. To prevent himself from getting a Harry Clearwater heart-attack if he should ever see a bunch of naked Indian boys running through the woods while he’s on his Chief Swan duty. Yes, Charlie’s awesome like that!

The Cullens wish you a merry Christmas
The Cullens: Alice will become the Christmas nazi (fake prize for the first one who knows where that one’s from) and force everyone to help decorating the house aka putting up lights and candles and huge Christmas trees in every free spot in the whole Cullen mansion. They’ll have a huge mountain lion for dinner at Esme’s favorite table. Rosalie will be the Christmas bitch handing everyone’s present over with the words “Alice picked it out”. And Bella will just be her whiny annoying self muttering nd complaining about the snow and the weather and the celebration… cause honestly, this girl hates parties… and sometimes (okay, most of the time) annoys the shit out of me.

Our Christmas guest Jacob aka Taylor Lautner and his abs wish you a very merry Christmas
That’s probably the reason why Edward will spend Christmas here with me at Mama Souls. And because he’s so damn polite he’ll eat everything she serves without complaining once. And then he’ll taste Zelda’s self-made mousse au chocolate. And because he’s awesome and loves us he’ll bring Jacob over a bit as well. And then it’s a real party ifyouknowwhatimean!
Wanna see the one where Zelda and I are wearing Santa hats? Cause yes, I made that one as well… and I’ll show you tomorrow, promise! Oh, and before I forget, I know we can’t compete with Taylor’s abs but we wish you a very merry Christmas as well! And that everyone gets a Edward action figure or a lifesized Jacob cut-out plus everything else on your wish list for Christmas!
Off to celebrate and kwop kilawtley everyone (cause yes, we love all of our readers… or whatever else it is that Jacob says… )
How do you think the Edward, Jacob and Co. would celebrate Christmas? Anything we forgot? Anything Twi-related on your wish list? Let us know in the comments or via e-mail! Oh, and have you seen our fantabulous Kwop Kilawtley Contest? Go and participate NOW! Thanks!
(images: google; Santa hats: me)
[Via http://howtodazzle.wordpress.com]
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