Thursday, December 17, 2009

Day 42 (12/17/09): The Lunch Date

Say what you want about my drinking, my playing the field, and my perpetual downward spiral, but I think the weird anomaly known as the lunch date is great. Sure, it’s a tad bit of a brushoff, but not a first date. On a first date you are just squeezing each other into your crazy schedules, not relegating them to the “B” meal like friends you don’t really want to catch up with.

I am not opposed to occasionally getting mildly more spiffy then I normally am at work. Yes, that includes a tie and the minimal amount of hair gel I necessitate when I bother.  The people at work were even complimenting, including the co worker, who told me, “You don’t look as crappy as normal, Travis.”

As for the girl in question, I met her a couple weeks ago when on a late afternoon coffee run, we both work within a few blocks of each other. After getting the number and trying to unsuccessfully procure a date, I tried the lunch attempt. So we met at this little cafe a few blocks over, a place I’ve passed a million times but never gone in.  I asked her about her job in fashion, and how my particular outfit faired. She told me it was, “passable”, while giving me sly little smile. After our meal, the waiter brought us over candy canes, a seasonal alternative to mints.

This is where I made a fatal mistake. I broke the curve it off. She just started at me awkwardly. I pretended to panic and said, “pretend you didn’t see that”. I told her that I didn’t eat the heads of candy canes, and more so I never show one of my quirks off on a first date, but honestly wasn’t even thinking about it.  She told me it was cute, but misguided. “Those aren’t the heads, they are the handle” as she held it by that and started eating it.

“False, you hang them on trees. It’s the head”  She laughed, and I won the mini-argument. Since we were on a time crunch, we had to rush our goodbyes. I just sighed and told her that I really hate doing it in this case, but I had a good time, and I honest-to-God wanted to kiss her. So we had a quick kiss, and I told her I called her. And here’s the shocker. I just might. I’m not saying she’s the girl who’s gonna make me give this up, or even that I’m going to tell her about it, but I don’t know if it would kill me or bastardized the project if I happen to keep in contact with a girl during this.


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