Another month has passed and that means it’s once more time for our Google special. You know, the one where we share what people googled whe they ended up here on our blog. Most of the time it’s just normal stuff like “Bella and Edward”, “Taylor Lautner naked” and stuff like that. But from time to time there are real gems which we just have to share with you. So this is Finding our Blog via Google Vol.4, enjoy! (Wow, I can’t believe we already run this site for four months…)

The 100 Monkeys and their banana mascot... SUCK!
taylor lautner on best abs list: There’s a best abs list? Like best dressed? Why didn’t I know about that? I’m a sucker for abs! I NEED that list. Immediately! Anyone having that list? Send it over! NOW!
how does bella give birth to renesmee: You don’t wanna know that. Not really. Trust me! You DON’T!
100 monkeys suck: Uhm yes, they do! You’re absolutely right here on our blog cause they suck BADLY. And I said so in a couple of post. And I won’t take it back. Sorry Jackson…
bella’s plaid shirt in eclipse: Rob, is that you? I KNEW you would like that shirt. But why do you have to google that? Did you forget to strip it off Kristen and take it home with you? Do you want it for yourself or as a present for her? Did she force you to get her that shirt? Uhoh, you better hurry up then or you’ll be stuck with La Stew sourpuss having every action between the sheets cancelled ifyouknowwhatimean.

Bella pregnant with a demon baby or Kristen with Rob's lovechild?
is bella pregnant in real life: Ah, I’ve prepared a whole post about that. Why are there so many people who just don’t get the difference? Bella Swan is a fictional character. Which means she doesn’t even exist in “real life”. If you mean Kristen Stewart, then the answer is no. She’s not pregnant with Rob’s lovechild… yet. (Just kidding, you know me. I don’t believe there’s ever going to be such a thing as a Rob and Kristen lovechild…) Omg, my mum has a blog? Are you kidding me? First of all, how did she find this blog here? Cause she must have, otherwise she wouldn’t know that I call her Mama Soul. I mean, obviously that’s not what I call her in real life. So she found out about this secret blog of mine and started one of her own? Do you think she posts super embarrassing childhood pics of me there? Honestly Mama Soul, what DO you do on your blog? I die if she makes fun of Twilight there…
Off to check out Mama Soul’s secret blog
These are only a few examples of what people google when they suddenly stumble upon our beloved blog. So how did you find our blog? Came across it by accident? Googled “Tom Sturridge and Robert Pattinson 4eva”? Let us know! Leave a comment or e-mail us!
(images: google)